South Sudanese plane dangers at least 20 kills at least 20, survived

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There is only one government who survived the oil on the ship.

Three minutes after three minutes later, the plane stabilizing Reta, Chocki, who was going to the capital.

There are five foreigners among the victims: Two Chinese, one Indian, and two Ugenan workers are members of the same. Other 15 men were all South Sodod.

The causes of the crash was not limited, but authorities are making an investigation.

“Our thoughts and sorrow will come out to the families and those who travel to families in this amazing time,” he said.

Oil workers who were oil workers in great Photo Company (GPOC) and the plane was held in the light of light air service.

GPOC is a joint trade involving the owners of India, China, Malaysia and South Sudan.

Had to be a common access mission.

South Sudan Aviation Infrastructure is not well developed and the country has a poor security record.

Weather disasters are common, and are commonplace by pressing on air or weather conditions in plane.

The In 2021, five people were killed in the Center’s Nile Food Program (WFP).