The BBC for the first time, BBC will travel with the help of the Jordan helicopter

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The Jordan’s helicoopters have been receptive to the help of Jordan – when the first time is known for the end of Israel and the sheep.

The scene from the air show himself at noon – gray debris and lifeless landscape.

When we reign, the Jordan Air Force men fall early and make sure that there is someone who has someone to receive the assistance program.

The only image in progressive jackets.

If you are called, the help of a bacon boarding board fences are waiting for a wern-fence in a nearby HANNis.

There are no training. The help is installed quickly. The helicopter of the helicopter must always turn around.

There is a feeling of true fasting – There are 14 more helicopters that look forward to following the background.

BBC was allowed to join the mission in southern gas and Wida al-Salka in southern gas and Walk al-Salka.

Although this is the only of this matching zone, the area after 15 months months later, the area after 15 months of war is similar to that of 15 months.

I saw what I saw the embarrassment of the area of ​​Israel.

The Jordan’s men were surgery on Tuesday.

If you travel on a long road trip, they are transporting medical supplies and baby formula.

The Official State of the Jordan’s government were the “horrible … and inheritance” of human suffering.

Jordan said that he was trying to try and apply suffering with the international community.