For ECB five questions
In Yuc Sea and Stefano Rebadad
London – The Central Bank of European Central Bank will move the Euro Zoro Zone to compare economic economy and compare economic thinking.
Merchants are set up quasts of cuts, so the question is EMBB. EACY It is down to any new clues on the way for us.
Old Economist said the Odoov Economist said, the Odoov Economist said, the President of President (Cristine) Laban for more.
Here are five key questions for the skin
What does 1 / ECB do on Thursday?
Maybe the key deposit is cut to 2.75% according to another 25.
Markets shopping and ECB. ECBD He promised that December in the leading leadership established.
Macro Economic Research Fredikik Ducrost, a worldwide leader of the world’s worldwide, “says scientism” no change from the view. “
2 / Trump returns ECBB in Traffis.
Economists still recognize.
The US President Trump – did not have a stories and they did not say that the United States was not ready for internation. However, in Canada, Mexico, and China, Canada, Mexico, and China has complained with the European Union Terms of Business Terms.
If the Trump is where their products last week’s products, they tell us where their products are on the previous side of the powers around the world
Although some commentators are comforting in the first approach, it is worth more than expected than that could change.
How to change the growth of euros to write to ECB, writing to the ECB, or in their prayers.
Lagarae has been named European messenger policies last week, “excessively concern” – Amboro AMRO Economy apply to appreciation.
How far is the ECB cut price?
Merchants protect ECB to four levels from ECB, and some policymakers are clearly agreed to 2%.
That price is that he hosperate, unemployed or growth in independent rating.
But some of the hazards are more careful than the people who describe “how they might be” deeply deeply “and why the bank expresses how much and quickly the bank.
Once the equals 2.5% “they must think that they will be harder to decide where to go.