‘What would happen?’ C. The Ukrainian in the end of the Ukrainian attacks the federal financial assistance.

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Home is a word that cries security and comforting feelings, but the Ukrainians can cause accidental pain on their country of their country.

Currently, the Ukurerian Marco Zolotrov, “says the” variety of war-warrovities, “says Solologi News.

Since 2022, more than a million Ukrainians came to Canada, over 200,000 BCE

However, they realized that the financial support is being completed now, they have now faced more confusion.

“There is confusion and threatening what it can happen to us.

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When news of Canada and all the world, the breaking news alerts will be registered directly when news of Canada and all the world.

Federal help will end in March 31, which provides important programs and benefits for refugees.

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This means that the Ukrainians will be able to learn English or to train English now.

“Although the 100 of the present service are now serving, the 1,000 of those who are currently incomplete, but they know that Numerical community and service partnerships are not in a few months.” BC agencies

“Now there is no greatest plan to download those services”

Click to Play Video 'The Russian attack Ukraine's Bus's refugees in Ukraine Bus's refugees' home'

The Russian attack in Ukraine destroyed home from BC refugees

As Zolotrovrov, many Ukravians have no adequate point so far to apply for permanent resident.

“I think this is a very significant gap,” he said.

Now, there are more questions than just how to fill that gap.

History will continue under the advertising

“Many people now serve, many people are now serving and sign-in” sign. ” Rizti says.

Ukrainians are looking at the heart of their old home, they think Canada will be able to call their new home.

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