6 American prisoners of 6 American prisoners associated with the MEDUOro in Nuzuela

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A large Trump is connected to the official of Venuzala’s

A large Trump is connected to the official of Venuzala’s

00: 28

Six Americans in Nuzuela is free in President Nylifles Friday connected with the RF Administration Authority The headship of the authorities who had made crimes in the United States graduated by the head of the authorities that requested immigrants.

For a variety of missions, Richard Greg, Richard Greg, six robbers were released on social media. Gregcs Visit Mr. Trump “Great Pressure” became very shocking for many ENE NUSWealants who expect the campaign that the campaign follows the campaign in the first time.

Genenll hours are Returning Rewarded Rewarded Rewarded Rewarded Rewarded Realwell to Enney Nezuelan Reward Realwal, which is currently not accepting and arresting them.

Tires with these 6 Americans and we are home ” XNELL posted on x With a photos and the boys in a plane. They are just silent @relondltTTTTTRTT @ thankful. “

ENEEXwelan America
President of President of President President, President Donald Trudy, President Donald Trudy, President Donald Trudy, and President.

The Nuzuela Plain Press EP Through

Although the previous year’s election, the meeting in Venezuela was under one month after eight eight years later. You do not know the Savior’s claim by proclaiming the United States government with many other, other Western Sillarists, does not introduce a two to one marginals.

The Nuzwala State TV TV shoe and Mararos reported that the convention was claimed by the US government.

If the Oval Oval of Organized Organizer is officially, Mr. Trump is officially adjusted to the administration of the administration.

“No, we want to do something.” I’m a very big opponent of Nzula and Madro and Madro. “But we are very good, but the worst.

Mr. Trump Grene “Congot with many people, but we are people for Venezuela.”

Some Republicans criticized the visit.

“This bright time is a terrible time,” says Elijim’s leader. “The meeting with Madro proves to know him as President, and the American could have accomplished himself if I wanted to present it.” There was no interest in the president. “

The argument on election results have inspired you in international protest. More than 2,200 people are infected with decorations and after wedding.

Among the ruler are between 10 Americans connected to the people who charging the country. Neither the West and Madro immediately did not leave the names of the six named by the Friday.

The prisoner was able to leave for profit, a 62 Horberlar in the United States of the American Penteeula. A plot part of a disrupted plot to kill.

The “Trusting administration on the American history of the United States has already made the largest massage of millions of deception.

This measures of this first week will follow from 600,000 people from the country of distraction from the country.

Whenea House Press Sudbard Friday Crotlin Importer Friday “Turtre’s Trog Down members,” says Heren’s Trog Down members, “He said,” All the American prisoners who are in the Nuzuela. “

When the economy for the first time and the salar, more than 7.7 million el Nzlanets have left their country. The most structured in Latin American and the Caribbean, immigrants after the flu plague, refugees on the US

Veonwans are expected to be disagreeous for disagreements to the needs of the better condition of the living conditions and growth.

Last year before the Presidential elections, a fourth population of the constitutional deviation of Venezuela’s election range from Venezuela’s election range from Venezuela’s election range of constituency.

Greel went up to the greatest to bring the Americans in the company of the region.

The By 2020 In 2020, secret meeting with Duan, a secret overseer of a traveling overseer with Ericko City, Ericko City, Erickica City. የቦኔል ንግግሮች ስምንት አሜሪካውያንን ለመቀያየር በደረቁ አሌክስ አሌክስ አሌክስ አሌክስ አሌክስ አሌክስ አሌክስ አሌክስ አሌክስ አሌክስ አሌክ ሳባ ውስጥ ታስረዋል.

Marsoro’s action is not hit by the President of Nezuela, and the Grem’s interest was not found. Greg was always prohibited by negotiating abduction swap.

Afterwards In December 2023 The Implementation of 10 Americans have changed for many Americans for rebellion in front of the prescription.